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t only a small number of chameleons we want protection, other small animals in nature that we have to protect let us humans and animals live in harmony on earth it "chameleon" Teaching Reflection "chameleon" article by narrative "we" discovered chameleon, looked chameleon, chameleon back process, showing the chameleon characteristics, thus reminding people to protect animals. should seize the statement when teaching focus, so that students experience serious sentiment understanding through understanding of key terms to master chameleon catch prey shape features and characteristics. Additionally, Overall description, authors did seize the characteristics of the level of clarity. authors brief description of the language, but all of a sudden summarizes the characteristics of living, describing the method should allow students to focus on here, it is best for students to write comments, describing the feeling here excellent. then can guide students to explore what part of the text to give you the deepest impression? Why? this will enhance